Fostering the development of mature and well-rounded individuals.
The sports program at St. Mary Catholic School is administered by Catholic Youth Sports. Students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade may participate in a variety of sports throughout the school year. Two levels of competition are available:
Grade School (GS) for students in grades K-4
Middle School (MS) for students in grades 6-8
Students in grade 5 need to check the Catholic Youth Sports websites as depending on the sport, the fifth grade plays with either the Grade School division or the Middle School division. Before students can play on a St. Mary Catholic School’s sports team, families must review and sign the Diocese of Orlando’s Concussion and Heat-related Liability Release Form.
St. Mary offers co-ed sports through the Catholic Youth Sports of Brevard. Children can choose to participate in: Soccer, Track, Flag Football and Basketball. These sports are offered to all students in elementary school in grades K through 5 and to middle school students in grades 6 through 8 (sometimes grade 5). To learn more about CYS, click below.
Catholic Youth Sports Button links to https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/cysbrevard
St. Mary Catholic School competes in the new Catholic Youth Sports League (CYS) for all athletic teams. We offer many programs for the students K-8. The web site below has all the information, yearly schedule and registration forms for each sport throughout the year. If interested in coaching you MUST be fingerprint cleared and have taken the concussion course to be allowed to help with a particular team.
Most teams practice 1-2 times per week after school for about 1-1.5 hours. Students are expected to be in good standing academically and with their conduct, to be eligible to participate.
Grade School teams will receive a league wide CYS shirt and shorts that are kept at home and used throughout the year. Middle School Teams receive school issued uniforms and they MUST be returned at the conclusion of the season.
We hope you and your student(s) have a great experience with the athletic teams each season and if you have any questions please contact me at golson@stmarys-school.org . To register, please click below.
Sports Schedule
Elementary Sports
Elementary School students grades KK - 5th have the opportunity to participate in various sports teams throughout the school year.
Basketball- Grades K-5- boys & girls - instructional
Cheerleading/Dance- Grades 5-8 interested students
Pep Squad- Grades K-4 interested students
Running Club- Grades K-8 interested students
Soccer- Grades K-5 boys & girls - instructional
Track and Field- Grades K-8 interested students
Volleyball- Grades 5-8 girls
All interested students can register by clicking here
Middle School
Middle School students grades 6th - 8th have the opportunity to participate in various sports teams throughout the school year.
Basketball- Grades 6-8- boys & girls
Cheerleading/Dance- Grades 5-8- interested students
Flag Football- Grades 6-8- boys
Running Club - Grades K-8- interested students
Soccer- Grades 6-8 - boys & girls
Tennis - Grades 6-8- interested students with experience
Track and Field- Grades K-8- interested students
Volleyball - Grades 5-8- girls
Volleyball- Grades 6-8- boys
All interested students can register by clicking here.